Friday, March 1, 2013

Skinny Kitty Meditation-171 days - Snow kitty AUM!

Today’s Skinny Kitty Meditation-171 days to a fat cat soul! AUM!

Today is ruled by Aries and Mars, so it’s a great day to look to self and what makes you happy.

My meditation focus was asking what is my true soul purpose. Even if you think you know exactly what you are supposed to be doing, it’s a wonderful idea to keep in alignment daily.
Setting the room with a nice musical background and low lighting I proceeded to chant AUM aloud.
I could feel the vibration of the Universe surge from my feet up into my solar plexus and continue throughout my body.
I did this for about 5 minutes and followed with the Unified Heart Chakra. Every time I do this meditation I am somewhat shocked at how centered I become. All anxieties fall away and are replaced by a calm assurance in the now.

Afterward I finished with some simple rhythmic breathing. Choose whatever count is comfortable for you and stay with that. Such as, In breath to the count of 6, out breath to the count of 6, don’t breath to the count of 6 and then in breath again to the count of 6.
I have read that the true knowledge of yourself comes through during the moments of no breath, so don’t discount this in your meditation.
Snow peacefully created prismatic patterns in the air outside while I finished meditating and Salvadore Kitty slumbered alongside me his warm body a slight pressure upon my hip. 

For lunch I am having cream cheese and crackers with water. Nothing elaborate but it seems so special to be able to eat how I want and what my body is asking for.
The moon in Scorpio today leads you down many pathways of deep metaphysical yearning and meditation is a supreme conduit to reach those hidden areas of your life!

I feel like a kitten that’s just starting to get his pounce! I feel the energy of Mars and an abundant well spring of life coming back from these daily meditations with you! Next on the list, delving into my twin flames astrological chart, sort of like a mouse toy for me!
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