Thursday, March 14, 2013

Skinny Kitty Meditations-166 days in our fat cat challenge! 314/13

We have unlimited possibilities!

Skinny Kitty meditations- 166 days left in our Fat Cat Challenge!
Challenge would be my key word this week, as I watched helplessly (or at least I thought) as my nine year old daughter, collapsed, went unconscious and we rushed her to the emergency room.

They fought this all day, with her rapid heart rate, at one point, at 150, and low blood pressure 55/33.
Frightening doesn’t encompass the feelings that I underwent this week.
What I will say is thank goodness I practice this transcendental meditation.
The morning this all began, I’d had a good 20 minutes of relaxation and calming meditation.
Who knows how this would have all transpired without that 20 minutes beforehand.
Each day I have found time to continue with the simple, yet effective T.M. technique.
Today would be no different, only to say that I am coming to terms with what IS and what ISn’t.
Major shifts are happening all around and within me at this time.
Salvadore kitty, being his true self at all times, seems to be right in alignment with these shifts.

I am finding that sometimes I don’t have 20 minutes, and so I will take 10 or 15.  If I can I’ll do this again in the late afternoon and evening.
I will begin with teaching my children, while on Spring Break to meditate with me tomorrow. We have done this before, but it’s been awhile. It is time to spread the love and enjoyment of peace to them.
I will update you on how this goes.
So far, I know I’ve always been a Fat Cat Soul, but my own preconceived notions and belief systems were limiting my understanding of what all my possibilities were.
Jeannie Irwin

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