Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Skinny Kitty Meditations-169 days left-Claws Deep!

claws deep in the tree of life!

Skinny Kitty Meditations- 169 days left in our fat cat soul Challenge! 3-5-13
Claws deep today!

I was surprised and elated today to be given the gift of Barbers Adagio for Strings early this morning and when I was least expecting it, during my morning meditation. I could feel the difference.
Before my childhood regression yesterday, this piece although beautiful brought much pain.
My Mother studied Music Therapy in college and so beginning when I was an infant she would play classical music beside my crib as I napped. It’s only fitting then that Adagio for Strings would be the instrument that Source used to take me back to my state in the womb.

Back track- I was breathing in the light of the Universe in my Unified Heart Chaka Meditation when the Adagio for Strings began to play. Instantly I began receiving a download of information, a new blue print of emotional memories much different than yesterday.
I could feel empowerment rising within my heart Chakra and spreading down my arms and legs. My mind shot back and forth from the original regression yesterday to the current changed perspective today and with each glowing surge an energetic pulse ran across my body, emanating outward.
Last night Jeff had asked me, “So, then are you healed from those events in your childhood?” I quickly answered yes, as if I knew, then backtracked just as fast and answered, “Well, I’ll have to see as things that would usually be button pushers come up.” But, clearly this had a huge impact on my psyche and this morning I cried again, but one of freedom!
It’s delicious to know that we can be healed of subconscious influences. The subconscious processes about 40 million bits of data per second, while our conscious mind only is able to process 40 bits of data per second.  Therefore, we’re not able without hypnotherapy or guided healing and meditation to even know these areas to heal.
I want you all to feel this, to know the completeness of being free from the bondage of subconscious triggers! I feel claws deep in the tree of life scratching post. I’ll share if you want…
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