Wednesday, February 20, 2013

skinny kitty presents-182 days to a fat cat soul!

The goal- 182 days of daily meditation and connecting with spiritual guides!
The issues- family, time, a fat cat, cell phones, tasks, & mental blocks to relaxation!

 I'll be blogging every day about the struggles, distractions and regular life that happens during meditation, and what works and what doesn't work for me.

Even Metaphysicians such as myself can find it a challenge to keep up with our regular practice of meditation.

My family consists of me & hubby, 2 kids and a fat cat. Salvadore, although distracting, has learned the art of being a fat cat with plenty of time to spare.

This is a no holds barred journey into personal peace and the exploration of how I juggle my physical life and my spiritual life.

I'll be sharing types of meditation, as well as formulating time saving helps for making the most of your meditations.

This is something I have to do for myself and I'm excited to see where it leads in 182 days!

Namaste,Jeannie Irwin

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