Okay, day 1- only 181 days left!
Today I lean toward the skinny kitty soul- an inconspicuous day that didn't work out too well. I use the description skinny kitty for a number of reasons, which I'll reflect on in time.
Salvadore (my black kitty) joined in the meditation time, being especially nice and not jumping on my chest during my breathing!
I honestly think he worries sometimes!
I'll be breathing, inhaling to the count of 7, exhaling to count of 7...when I'll get the most usual feeling that someone is watching me. I'll crack one eye lid and find Salvy staring down at me like Snoopy from Peanuts, hanging off his dog house!
So, here's what I
did today. I choose the Mystic Marriage Meditation, one of my favorites because
it usually gets the spiritual juices flowing. If you want to have direct contact
with your spirit guides, intuition among other psychic abilities, this
meditation sure puts you in that place.
Having said all
that, I set up my environment first. I lit nag champa incense, and started the
moment off with a Tibetan bell.
Everything seemed to be going as planned. I sat down and set my cell phone alarm for 20 minutes later.
Everything seemed to be going as planned. I sat down and set my cell phone alarm for 20 minutes later.
Here's what
happened. I accomplished the meditation, and fell into a slumber after several
minutes of a dream like state. I heard my guides trying to reach me through
this deep state, but I couldn't make out what they were saying.
Salvadore Kitty
lay precariously upon the back of the couch, I'm sure eyeing me from time to
time to see if I was going to actually meditate or medi-sleep!
Here's where I went wrong today. Just because I want to do this, doesn't mean that I don't have other things on my mind and schedule as most of you do.
This is a huge reason why I wanted to start this adventure with you. We all get bogged down in life's little complications. Mine today was more mental than physical.
An internet guy was supposed to come check out why my server keeps disconnecting. The time set for this was between 8-12pm. I started my meditation around 1pm and as I was setting my alarm realized he hadn't showed up yet.
Here's where I went wrong today. Just because I want to do this, doesn't mean that I don't have other things on my mind and schedule as most of you do.
This is a huge reason why I wanted to start this adventure with you. We all get bogged down in life's little complications. Mine today was more mental than physical.
An internet guy was supposed to come check out why my server keeps disconnecting. The time set for this was between 8-12pm. I started my meditation around 1pm and as I was setting my alarm realized he hadn't showed up yet.
I found that my mind did quickly go into meditation and my spirit was willing, but for some reason physical body didn't want to make the bridge between physical 3D world and spiritual higher self!
I'm going to start a Do's and Don't list:
#1- Don't start meditation right before a serviceman is supposed to arrive at your house!
Now this isn't a hard and fast rule, we're all different, but for me, this just completely messed my head up.
Yet, I drifted rather quickly into a meditative state.
Don't #2- Don't meditate directly after filling your belly with food.
In my case it was a healthy little bowl of yogurt, but I should have waited for it to digest and blood sugar to return back to a normal state. Meditation turned into medi-sleep!
Now, you would
think of all the years I've been doing this I should know the #3!
#3 Don't burn incense closely in a badly ventilated room!
So, there I was, drowsy, satiated from the yogurt, half wondering when this guy would show up, if ever, and began coughing from the Nag Champa! Seriously?
#3 Don't burn incense closely in a badly ventilated room!
So, there I was, drowsy, satiated from the yogurt, half wondering when this guy would show up, if ever, and began coughing from the Nag Champa! Seriously?
heard myself clear my throat, thank goodness for thinking ahead and bringing
How could I be so incredibly ill planned? Truly a skinny cat day, far from fat cat soul!
Then it occurred to me, that this is a real blog, with real life issues.
Then it occurred to me, that this is a real blog, with real life issues.
I do consider this meditation, but not well done!
Stick by... let me know how Day One goes for you!
Stick by... let me know how Day One goes for you!
Oh yes, and on the list of Do's:
1. Do plan a time daily
2. Do have a mediation crystal to hold.
3. Do play music that helps you meditate.
1. Do plan a time daily
2. Do have a mediation crystal to hold.
3. Do play music that helps you meditate.
* I will be adding more info under the section Meditation Techniques tomorrow, as well as more pages to this blog, keep watching, subscribe and join in!! * Love to hear your comments!
Salvy Kitty is mewing, have to check his bowl...until tomorrow,
blessings and namaste,
Salvy Kitty is mewing, have to check his bowl...until tomorrow,
blessings and namaste,
I totally spaced out that I also called the Archangels into place before beginning my meditation time today! oopsies