Thursday, February 28, 2013

Skinny Kitty Meditation- 172 days - Galaxian Love Meditation!

Listen to haunting melody below while meditating

Close your eyes and visualize a white light coming from Source surrounding you in purity and protection, now visualize it piercing between all joints and sinews, delving deep within your heart Chakra-transmuting into a vibrant pink light of Love.
As the light deepens it expands outward, removing all blockages and pain,
Each negative experience is transformed in this light of love.

Repeat aloud this mantra:

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Skinny Kitty Meditations-Mindfulness- 173 days in our challenge!

independence is my middle name, mew!

Skinny Kitty Meditation-Mindfulness Meditation,(2-27-13)--173 days in our Challenge to reach a fat cat soul!

Today I decided to practice Mindfulness Meditation which is about achieving a mind that’s stable and calm without struggle. To do this one needs only to be mindful of the things, feelings, around you.
Sitting and observing through all your senses without judgment what is happening around you, and allowing your thoughts to drift in and out without restriction. This isn't about blanking out, but instead being perfectly in the moment with intelligence.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Skinny Kitty Meditations-Stretching & digging soul deep! 174 days to Goal!

Every muscle in my heart is achy and divinely inspired 

Skinny Kitty Meditations-Stretching & digging soul deep!
Tuesday 2-26-13, 174 days to a fat cat soul!

I don't know what's happening, its actually becoming harder to meditate than it ever has been. It's as if my spirit is longing for more and in an effort to stretch myself spirit, I must first come to the place of dissatisfaction.

Skinny Kitty Meditations Update!

Tired kitty!

Thursday – February 22nd-marked day 180 left in our meditation exercise and I’m sure you want to know, what the heck happened to me. This is a quick summation of what happened the last few days! I will write about today's meditation on a separate blog!
First of all, I had time for a brief centering and unified heart chakra on Thursday and then I was busy. This left me feeling at a loss.
The lack within my day was evident.
I am a pampered puss! I got to go places with my twin flame, but nothing makes up for a great meditative cat nap. By the end of the day I wanted to crawl out of my skin! 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Skinny Kitty Meditation Day two

Skinny Kitty Meditation- 180 days to a Fat Cat Soul!
Day Two Mediation 180 days left! 2-21-13
Today it snowed and sleet all morning. My hubby and two beautiful children were home.
As I sat in front of my make-up mirror, I did the unified heart chakra meditation first thing after waking up. It centered me and gave me umph to handle the day. Then hubby (Jeff) said, “Oh good, I get to meditate with you today!”

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day One, on the skinny side of meditation!

Okay, day 1- only 181 days left!
Today I lean toward the skinny kitty soul- an inconspicuous day that didn't work out too well. I use the description skinny kitty for a number of reasons, which I'll reflect on in time.

skinny kitty presents-182 days to a fat cat soul!

The goal- 182 days of daily meditation and connecting with spiritual guides!
The issues- family, time, a fat cat, cell phones, tasks, & mental blocks to relaxation!

 I'll be blogging every day about the struggles, distractions and regular life that happens during meditation, and what works and what doesn't work for me.

Even Metaphysicians such as myself can find it a challenge to keep up with our regular practice of meditation.

My family consists of me & hubby, 2 kids and a fat cat. Salvadore, although distracting, has learned the art of being a fat cat with plenty of time to spare.

This is a no holds barred journey into personal peace and the exploration of how I juggle my physical life and my spiritual life.

I'll be sharing types of meditation, as well as formulating time saving helps for making the most of your meditations.

This is something I have to do for myself and I'm excited to see where it leads in 182 days!

Namaste,Jeannie Irwin